Hamlin Meadows
A 55+ Active Community
57 Unit Condominium Community
Located in Hamlin, New York

Paper Variance Request Submission
Electronic Variance Request Submission
Electronic Emergency Contact Form
Declaration & ByLaws Condo A
Declaration & ByLaws Condo B
Declaration & ByLaws Condo C

Password Protected areas below:
Not sure if you are A, B or C?
click on the yellow banner above
Trash and recycling pick up is Friday.
There may be a one day delay on Holidays:
Please contact your vendor:
Suburban Disposal 352-3900 or
Waste Management 254-3500
to arrange for special pickups
(large items, furniture, etc.)


Due the 1st of each month payable & mailed to:
Hamlin Meadows
c/o Crofton Perdue Associates, Inc.
111 Marsh Rd - Suite 1
Pittsford NY 14534.
[The address MUST be on the check;
this is especially vital for money orders.]
Payments received after the 5th of the month
at the Crofton Perdue office will incur a late fee of 10%.

Lawn cutting date is Wednesday.
Rain day = Thursday
RM Landscape Fertilizer Application – Product Labels Click Here
Pre-Emergent & Fertilizer Application -
· Early summer application of a quality slow release fertilizer
with pre-emergent weed control +Crane Fly Treatment (label)
Labels for 5/10: 13-0-4 & mec-amine
Fertilizer & Grub Control w/spot Broadleaf Weed Control -
· Early summer application of a quality slow release fertilizer
with grub control.
Labels for 8/14: mec-amine
Fertilizer Application w/spot Broadleaf Weed Control -
· Summer application of a quality slow release fertilizer and
spot treatment of broadleaf weeds.
Winterizer Fertilizer Application 10/28 - label
· Fall application of a quality slow release fertilizer
(also known as winterizer)

Plowing begins when 3.0" of snow has accumulated over 50% of the asphalt surfaces of the property.
If you should have a concern or
question regarding plowing please call
Crofton Perdue at 248-3840.
We ask that you not interrupt the snow crew.