Continental Apartments
2052 Monroe Avenue

Nicole Chilbert, Assistant Property Manager
Inquiries or After Hour Emergencies call 585-248-3840
35 Unit Apartment Complex
in Brighton, New York

Documents & Forms
1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
Call 248.3840 for availability

Fully Equipped Kitchen
Car Port Availability
8' x 10' Storage Area
Washer & Dryer on Premise

Pet Policy
Cats Welcome, 2 max per unit

Rent is due the 1st of each month mailed & payable to:
Continental Apartments
c/o Crofton Perdue Associates Inc.
111 Marsh Road - Suite 1
Pittsford, NY 14534
The unit address MUST be on the check or money order.
Payments received after the 15th of the month at the Crofton Perdue office will incur a $25.00 late fee.
There will also be a charge of $25.00 for each returned check or rejected electronic payment (NSF Charges)
Pay online with ZEGO

Across from Brighton Schools
.2 Miles from 12 Corners
2 Miles from Pittsford Plaza
2.3 Miles to Cobbs Hill Park

Trash & Recycling
Trash is removed from the dumpster on Tuesday and recycling is picked up on Monday.
Please contact Suburban Disposal at 352-3900 to arrange for special pick ups (large items, furniture, etc.)

Lawn Care
Mowing is done on Wednesday.
For product labels click Trugreen.